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Do Not Miss This

A study of the Proverbs

Scott Hall

The End of the Beginning

By: Scott Hall On: 11/24/2024
Proverbs is more than just platitudes and ways to improve your life.  It's a new way of living, a new way of seeing the world.
Scott Hall

The Wisdom of Forgiveness

By: Scott Hall On: 11/17/2024
Embracing forgiveness as a community is critical to our well being and it is one way that we can actively guard our hearts.
Mike Hauser

Guard Your Heart

By: Mike Hauser On: 11/10/2024
The framework of our lives is our hearts.  All that we are and all that we will be is contained in our hearts.  We have to keep it safe because our lives depend on it.
Scott Hall

Free From Worry

By: Scott Hall On: 11/3/2024
Anxiety and worry are epidemic in our society.  From the every-day concerns to global tensions to physically debilitating anxiety, we are all affected by it to some extent.  And it wasn't like life was easier in the ancient times of scripture.  But, we are offered a pathway through the chaos into a place of peace.
Scott Hall

Further Into Friendship

By: Scott Hall On: 10/27/2024
Having people in our lives who know us deeply and who we can know deeply is the healthiest way to walk through life.  The wisdom of Proverbs speaks into our lives and encourages us to develop companions for the journey ahead and to be a friend who loves others well.
Mike Hauser

Wisdom of Justice

By: Mike Hauser On: 10/20/2024
Wisdom is understanding and living in accordance with God's ordering of reality.  Justice is pursuing God's divine order for the sake of others.  They are two sides of the same coin.
Scott Hall

Re-thinking Sin

By: Scott Hall On: 10/13/2024
Sin is something that is pretty commonly talked about in the wider culture but is rarely understood.  Proverbs speaks to us about this difficult concept and how it affects us and the communities around us.
Scott Hall

Perilous Times: A Communion Focus

By: Scott Hall On: 10/06/2024
The cross of Christ stands as a light in the darkness.
Mike Hauser

The Soul of Blessing

By: Mike Hauser On: 09/29/2024
Generosity is not an act, it is a way of living that seeks to bring God's goodness into the world.
Scott Hall

Values and Baptism

By: Scott Hall On: 09/22/2024
We take a break from Proverbs to celebrate a year of being in our new worship space by remembering our values as a community and why we are baptizing six people in the church today.
Scott Hall

The Well of Words

By: Scott Hall On: 09/15/2024
It's from the depths of our hearts that our words are formed.  And they can either kill or heal. 
Scott Hall

Discipline and Self-Control

By: Scott Hall On: 09/08/2024
We often mistake discipline for punishment.  But discipline and self-control have more to do with how we live for others than with denying ourselves necessities.
Mike Hauser

The Humble Christ

By: Mike Hauser On: 09/01/2024
Humility is celebrated as a virtue but rarely pursued as a lifestyle.  Perhaps that's because we've forgotten that our model of humility didn't only die that way, he also lived that way.
Scott Hall

The Crossroads of Humility

By: Scott Hall On: 08/25/2024
Understanding what humility is and how it works in our lives yields greater benefits for all people. 
Scott Hall

Wisdom of Others

By: Scott Hall On: 08/18/2024
We weren't made to walk through life alone.  It's too much.  The Proverbs points this out as well, reminding us that there is great value in seeking the wise council of others in our lives.
Mike Hauser

Where We Begin

By: Mike Hauser On: 08/11/2024
Proverbs contrasts the difference between living a life that flourishes and a life of destruction.  The clearest difference between the two is their starting point.